Cruel Destiny


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★★★★★ "Wow. Just wow. If that could be my review, that is all I would write."

★★★★★ "Emmanuelle has done it yet again. She found a way to slip into my mind and heart with her words and the creation of characters you can't help but fall in love with."

★★★★★ "This book broke my heart in the first twenty five percent and sewed it back together."



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A story of healing, second chances, and the risks of opening your heart to someone new. Can they trust each other with their hearts, or will their pasts keep them apart?

In the small town of Green Mountain, Tennessee, a man with a battered heart finds solace in a woman rebuilding her life after loss.

Nick Peterson, haunted by a past event, sets out on a journey of healing across the country that leads him to a new adventure, where he rebuilds his life, surrounded by strangers who will teach him the power of self-redemption and second chances. Dahlia Ellis, retired music superstar and single mom, has just started to let joy and dreams back into her life after she lost everything three years ago, her heart included. When Nick walks into her shop by mistake, she feels an instant connection with him. One that seems too genuine to be pure coincidence.

Nick and Dahlia’s chemistry is undeniable as they surf their newfound relationship, but a question remains: Can they overcome their pasts and embrace the vulnerability of trusting someone new? Sparks fly, boundaries blur, and love beckons as they navigate the fragile line between friendship and the sizzling attraction they can’t deny.

Will Nick and Dahlia take the leap into the unknown and trust their hearts, or will they let fear hold them back from a second chance at happiness?

Cruel Destiny is book one in the Second Tear duet. This is the introduction to Nick and Dahlia’s beautiful and heartbreaking love story. It begins where Sweet Agony ends.

*Due to mature subject, this book is only suitable for people over 18 years of age.

Excerpt (Cruel Destiny)

I repeated to myself an hour later. For the one-hundredth time. Why was I so nervous? Because I wasn’t really a date person. And the last woman I kinda dated turned out to be crazy in her own kind of way.

I had a good feeling about Dahlia, though. Over the years, I’d fine-tuned my crazy-radar. It should work fine now.

But still, I didn’t want to screw things up with Dahlia. For some reason, it got me fretful. I wanted everything to be perfect. We got along great last week. But a formal date sounded more official. Like a real deal. Like I had no room to mess it up. Not that I had a track record of bad dates, but still. Dahlia Ellis wasn’t the kind of woman you let down.

In a swift movement, I discarded the towel wrapped around my midsection and rummaged through my wardrobe to find something decent to wear.

Casual, but not too casual. Dressed, but not too dressed.

Those were the words Greta used when she sent me the link to the restaurant.

That sounded easy, right? It should. But right now, her dress code tip confused me instead of helping me.

I scanned every piece of clothing I owned, trying to come up with the best outfit possible. And yet, nothing seemed nice enough. I ended up picking a pair of dark jeans and a black shirt. I couldn’t go wrong with that.

Buddy, who’d been spending all his time over at my place, neared me and sniffed around. “It’s called aftershave, old pal.” I patted his head, and he snuggled next to my feet. “You know you’ll have to move out by the time I go, right?” He snored as a reply. Great.

Half an hour later, after I fixed my hair away from my face and grabbed the bouquet of daisies I’d bought earlier, I made my way to my truck. Jitters invaded my belly. I sucked in a cleansing breath. Dahlia and I hit it off the other day. Except I hadn’t gone on a date in a while. How could Tuck do this all the time? I hoped for his sake it got easier with lots of practice.

My stomach tightened in a chain of knots at the idea that Dahlia and I could be much more than friends someday. Even if I tried to ignore it, tangible attraction simmered between us when we spent the afternoon together last Friday, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it all week. No, I hadn’t imagined the connection we shared.

No need to lie to myself. All my conclusions ended with the hope that we could evolve into something more.

“Okay, bro. Wish me luck. I still can’t believe tonight is happening,” I said, glancing at the sky. “I’m going on a date with one of your idols. Or rather, his best friend. Maybe you have something to do with it. Or not. In either case, if you do, thank you for watching over me. Now go play and let the adults be.” I winked, kissed two fingers, and raised my hand over my head toward the sky.

The door opened, and Dahlia stood on the other side, radiant in her blue dress, her wavy hair cascading over her shoulders, her eyes twinkling, and her smile disarming. My shoulders relaxed at the sight of her. “Hey, you look beautiful,” I said kissing her cheek.

Her eyes roamed over me in a torturous, slow motion. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

Carter Hills appeared in my peripheral vision. He was much taller than I’d pictured him to be. For a second, I prayed Derek could see this moment from that cloud. Or wherever he was. I still couldn’t believe this was my life at the moment. The musician towered over me by a few inches. My back tensed again at the way he stared at me as if he could burn me alive only with his gaze. Flickers of apprehension woke up inside me. I felt so out of my element. Seeing him next to Dahlia, it all seemed surreal. She told me about his protective side. Right now, he looked like he was about to blow a gasket.

Ignoring him, I focused my attention back on Dahlia’s face. She was even more beautiful than I remembered. Her smile soothed my angst. Only she mattered. No one else.

Other Books by the author
False Promises
BlindSided (Heart Song duet book #1)
Sweet Agony
Cruel Destiny (Second Tear duet book #1)
Beautiful Salvation (Second Tear duet book #2)
Wild Encounter (BreathLess duet book #1)
Brittle Scars (BreathLess duet book #2)
Last Hope
Midnight Sparks
Fallen Legend (Lonesome Heart duet book #1)
Rising Star (Lonesome Heart duet book #2)
SnowBound (Two of Us duet book #1)
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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Aly Wolfe
Amazingly realistic and good

Where to start. I love Dahlia and her story. Every book she’s in, I can’t get enough. She’s been through so much and keep going which amaze me because life doesn’t make it easy on her. For her first love in sweet agony to her new relationship in Second Tear (both books in the duet) and her friendship with Carter Hill she’s the girl I keep rooting for. I don’t know how Emmanuelle Snow writes characters so realistic and real they feel like your best friends. Yes her story make me cry until I hiccuped but it wouldn’t be as good if it was any other way. Big 5 star for this amazing trilogy. And the addition of Addison and Tucker to her series is the best idea ever. Gosh you gotta meet those 2 as well. I can’t say anything w/o spoiling anything if you get what I mean. Do yourself a favor and pick this book and yeh entire series.

Jennifer Bemis
Nick and emotional rollercoaster that is well worth it!

"Our souls fused in the most intimate way as we sat there in silence, comforting each other, healing together."

GAH.....I thought Emmanuelle Snow played with my emotions with Pink and Country but I am hear to say that is nothing compared to what she does with Whiskey and Country. Nick's early story hit me on such a deep level very quickly in this book. If you have read Pink and Country you have met him and Dahlia and know the story of them but that isn't where this starts with Nick months before Dahlia enters his life. Nick has just done most likely the hardest thing he will ever have to do in his life and starts spiraling down into a depressive state. One night a man knocks on Nick's door bearing a gift....a gift that will put his life on a completely different path than he ever imagined.

The spiritual journey that Nick ends up on will have anyone believing in fate. There definitely was no better road for him to travel than the one that led him to Green Mountain, TN. It is here that he is awakened after the tragedy he suffered. He is able to slow down and enjoy life and adjusts to small town living much faster than he expected to. Of course meeting Dahlia Ellis on his first day in town may have played a part in this sense of peace he has come to experience. Dahlia is also awakened upon meeting Nick....I whole heartedly consider it love at first sight. He is the breath of fresh air she so desperately needed yet didn't realize it until he was right there in front of her.

Emmanuelle Snow gave these two a hot instant connection but it is nothing compared to the build-up that takes place over so much of the book...that is even HOTTER! I feel like the way these characters are written they connected on the emotional level first by taking things slow, building a friendship all while the simmering heat was just slightly below the surface. Nick and Jack's instant connection almost rivals that of Dahlia and Nick in the sense that Nick really is a great guy with a caring heart. While what these two had to go through was nothing short of horrible it seems they were meant to experience that in preparation for each other. It made/makes them who they are today.

The Carter Hills Band series just keeps getting better and better with each book. I have been through the ringer emotionally with all of them I have read so far so which makes the stories that much more enjoyable for me. Emmanuelle Snow is very talented with her words and getting them just right so her readers are feeling what her characters are feeling. I cannot wait to see what else she is going to give us out of this series!


"Formerly Whiskey & Country, now Beautiful Salvation, the second half of the Second Tear duet.

Book 3 in the Carter Hills Band series, and the second flash-back book giving us more about Delilah’s history. Book 2 (Princess and Country) is her and Carter’s friendship and growing up, and her and Jeff’s (Carter’s brother) love story, and the tragedy that happened here. This book is how she carries on, her and Carter and her son Jack and how their family continues living, and how she moves on with her life after having loved the way she did. She meets Nick when he shows up at her new shop one day, “by accident “.

Nick himself is reeling after a huge loss - which is actually the first third of the book - finding himself and who he is and where he truly belongs. He ends up being sent by a friend to a small town to take a construction job for the friends dad, and that is where he spots Delilah. He doesn’t recognize her as the rockstar he’s been interested in, at first.

With their shared similar pasts, the pair bonds, much to Carter’s dismay - but with Emmanuelle’s typical amazing writing, she is able to write such a great plot and so many twists (some really exciting things you could never imagine!), keep your interest the entire time - I was glued to my Kindle the whole 600 pages! - and not let you down from the adrenaline high between the chemistry, the steam, the unexpected turns!

A definite recommendation, but you will want to read the two previous books in the series first, to understand the background.

Thank you, Emmanuelle, for an ARC copy of Whiskey and Country! Everything here is my honest review and feedback."

Amanda Glaeser

Right off the bat, you're hit with so many emotions, you can't stop yourself from tearing up and the tears keep coming throughout the book. Emmanuelle has a way with words, making you feel like you're part of the story, going through the rollercoaster of emotions with her characters.

My heart broke and bled for Nick. This man has lost so much in such a short period of time. The minute something good comes into his life, it's taken away and you can't help but feel for him. What did this amazingly sweet man do to have all this loss in his life.

Like with all her books, Emmanuelle's characters get their HEA but first they must go through heartbreak and loss. If you want a book that makes you feel alive, Whiskey and Country is it.

Sara Jacobs

"Fair warning. Make sure you have a minimum of 2 boxes of Kleenex next to you throughout this entire book. Also, do not read right before or during your period; not the best idea. I had to stop reading this book so many times the first 6 chapters because I had to dry my tears, blow my nose, and get my composure back. Now, I do not say this to make you turn and run because this book...OHMYGOD... was by far even better than the first two in this series. Which, is hard for me to type that, but honestly this is the first book in such a long time to make me cry so hard, but fall so hard for the people in the book. The way Emmanuelle writes makes me feel as though I am a part of their story. These characters have taken up a huge part of my heart. These books have completely crushed me and put me back together. I wish that I could forget I ever read these books, just to read them newly again. I can't wait to continue this series!!