Okay, let's be honest here for a second. 2022 has been one hell of a year. Positive or negative? Something I'm not quite sure. So far I've grown up a lot as a human being and an author, that's for sure. But some of the challenges I went through are still on my can't-decide-the-outcome yet. Being an author is the most rewarding job (after being a mom), but it can also be challenging. In 2022, I've spent most of my romance author life on the road. Now that's I'm settling down somewhere, I'm trying to see what the future will be like for the Snow household.
The book I'm release next November (Wild Encounter) has been written and edited in two countries. Two provinces, two states. And at least a dozen different cities. Are you dizzy? Because just writing it and I am.
I'm working on a new series. And as I'm writing, I keep asking myself: should the heroine fall for the nice guy or shouldn't she be falling for the bad guy instead?
When you read a romance book or watch TV, do you prefer when the dark hero wins and with the help of others and love can transform his life? Or do you prefer when the nice one, the one who's been there for the heroine from the very beginning and has supported her through her entire journey wins her heart?
Have you ever done something in your life you felt was coming from deep inside you and you couldn't explain, but it was so natural, you had to ask yourself how it could be?
As a romance author, I often get asked where I find my inspiration. Tricky question. And no the answer isn't my own life. Well maybe, it rubs on my writing and my stories, but no, the inspiration comes from a place I can't even name.
Are you one of those readers who like to read emotional books that stay with you well after you read the last page (Hello Book Hangovers!) or are you a what's next on my TBR kid of reader?
Have you ever read a novel for like 6 hours straight only to forget all about the storyline or the name of the main characters by the next day? Even under torture and brain raking, you just couldn't recall any of it at all? Yeah, I'm sure it happened to all of us at least once (if not multiple times). And there are those books that no matter what you do, you can't forget them (even under torture! *insert winking emoji here*). Those that leave you with a book hangover that's hard to move away from.
Are you a book series or a standalone type of reader? Duets, trilogies, interconnected standalone books. When you read romance novels, which format do you prefer?
Each one has its pros and its cons. I could say the same with cliffhangers, or opened endings when you have to imagine what happens next because the author won't tell you.
In romance books, there are single, dual, and multiples POVs. There are books written in the first person, other in the third person, present and past verb tenses. So many options. Are they all born equal?
In your world, reading a romance book comes with a box of tissues (emotional romance books) or with a glass of wine or a cupcake (rom-com books)?
Because no matter what type of romance books you read, there are the ones that tug at your heartstrings and play with every single emotion residing in your heart, or those that are sweet, predictable, but leave you with a smile stretching your lips. Which type of book do you usually pick when given the choice?
Romance books tropes. Oh, I feel like we could discuss those for months. There are readers who only read books with a certain trope. Other who just don't care as long as the story is catchy.
Paranormal romance , realistic romance, new adult romance, contemporary romance, dark romance, romantic thriller, what kind of romance books do you prefer? Or do you read many subgenres?
Have you ever heard of the book boyfriend withdrawal symptoms? Because I'm telling ya, I'm pretty sure it's a real thing. If you've checkedBookstragramandBooktokaccounts lately, you know what I'm talking about.
Are you a happily-ever-afters are mandatory in romance books type of readers or are you okay with happily for now type of endings too?
For as long as I can remember, even as a little girl, romance stories have always had happily-ever-after endings. From Cinderella to Jane Austen, we read those books to get the warm feeling that fills us at the end where everything is perfect in the fictional world they created.
Have you noticed most fiction books nowadays have either bare chested men on the covers, illustrations, and couples? It's hard to miss, right? What about women on covers?
While I understand the appeal of men covers, come on, who doesn't want to look at a hot guy, I can't get myself to follow this trend. I want my covers to have a little edge of their own and not be a copy-paste of every other cover in their genre. Am I right or am I wrong? I love, love, love women and covers. Let me explain why.